Hi, I'm Meagan. Welcome to Style-Edition!  I am a style enthusiast. I love exploring creativity through decor and fashion and this is where I share my musings, inspiration, and projects.

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Bay Area Craigslist Finds

Here's another roundup of my favorite recent Craigslist listings.  If you're in the Bay Area, snatch something up :) Otherwise, I hope this is some inspiration for your own thrifting.
If I had any space I would snatch up this set of chairs ASAP - $50 is a great deal.  They would be perfect in a bachelor pad and I love the idea of dining chairs on wheels.  I'd probably switch out the table for something a bit more modern and light, but you might even be able to paint the table that comes with the set.
"Pair" is one of my favorite Craigslist/Craiggers search terms.   It always comes up with great sets of matching chairs and tables.   A pair of chairs can be perfect to tie together a room, or it can be nice to have a backup if you're trying out a new project (I have a second version of this chair so I can perfect my upholstery)
This $50 pair of peachy wingback chairs look like they're in great condition.  They could read slightly grandma-y but I think with the right accessories, they could also work in a totally modern girly living room.
I'm a huge fan of campaign furniture because I loev the simple shapes and brass details.   At $200, this dresser isn't a total steal, but it's beautiful classic piece.
A friend was looking for a trunk recently and this one is perfectly worn.  It still provides plenty of storage, and could easily function as coffee table with a couple of trays on top.
Happy Hunting!
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