Hi, I'm Meagan. Welcome to Style-Edition!  I am a style enthusiast. I love exploring creativity through decor and fashion and this is where I share my musings, inspiration, and projects.

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I welcome your feedback and suggestions at meaganmari[at]gmail.com

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Entries in Decorations (2)


Holiday Decor: Expanding Your Color Palette

Although it's easy to stick to a 'classic' palette, the holiday season doesn't have to mean you fill your house with tons of red & green.   Each year, I find myself inspired by festive homes that pick a unique color palette for the season and stick to it.  My problem is that if I buy all my decor in some non-traditional colors, I worry I'll be sick of it after a year or two.  But then, I see something totally unique and inspiring like this insanely cute pink and light blue holiday party from Sitting in a Tree (Found via Pinterest)

Or, the peacock blues and greens that Emily Henderson has been using:

It's also fun to see when people pick holiday decorations that match perfectly with their year-round home decor, like these ladies did with yellow.

Focusing on silver for the holidays can be equally impactful, but feels a bit more traditional.  Check out this tree from Martha Stewart.

Happy decorating!





Have you seen this real life attempt at lifting a house with balloons like the movie "Up"

I guess National Geographic did this for a new show called "How Hard Can It Be?" -- its cool to see that it's actually possible, but what made me happy is that they used a rainbow of balloons just like in the movie.

It's a reminder of how pretty a colorful bunch of balloons can be...

“Freedom is for honest people. No man who is not himself honest can be free – he is his own trap.”

To dress up a house:


For a really festive party:


Or, just for an awesome picnic:


People were angry over a balloon stunt in San Francisco last week. Some game company let go thousands of red balloons to promote a video game.  While it probably wasn't the best stunt for the environment,  I saw it out my office window and it was beatiful!  I couldn't get a good picture from my office but here is what it looked like:

(Not my photos - click on photos for sources)