Style Inspiration: The Wonder Years
Amazon announced today that a ton of older movies and TV shows will be available streaming video, including: THE WONDER YEARS! I adored "The Wonder Years" growing up (and wanted to be Winnie Cooper?) so, I can't wait to re-visit the family drama. In the mean time, with 60s/70s influence all over the fashion world this fall, I think "The Wonder Years" is a great source of style-inspiration. It's amazing that almost 20 years later, I still want Winnie's stick straight long brown hair. The skinny little headbands that she wore are the perfect, almost cutesy, accessory to add to a more grown up modern look. How happy does this picture of Kevin and Winnie make you?
Layers of sweaters and button-down blouses are always a fall staple of mine. This season, I've been sticking with super-classic preppy versions, a-la-Winnie.
Of course I'm also loving looking back at Karen Arnold's breezy hippie style (I vaguely remember that she went to berkeley?)
I'm digging the collegiate vibe of Winnie's outfits later in the series. These would be my modern picks:
The pieces:
TopShop cotton shirt, $64
J Brand brown pants, $300
Lucky brand shoes, $129
FOSSIL vintage shoulder bag, $248
Yves Saint Laurent chain link jewelry, $895
LOFT hair accessory, $13
ASOS buckle belt, $11
Here is a little snapshot (the opening credits) to hold you over until it's live on Amazon.