Hi, I'm Meagan. Welcome to Style-Edition!  I am a style enthusiast. I love exploring creativity through decor and fashion and this is where I share my musings, inspiration, and projects.

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Entries in oganization (1)


Closet and Organization Inspiration

I'm in the midst of cleaning/re-organizing my closet and I thought I'd take a break for some inspiration. I'm lucky enough to have a big walk in closet, but it's the main storage for our 1-bedroom apartment so it gets messy quickly.   One day,  I hope to have an entire "dressing room" dedicated to my clothes etc  like Jenna Lyon's closet above.  For now,  I'm just going to work on organizing....

Anybody have any tips for keeping stacks of shirts/sweaters neat?  For me, those are always the first thing to start getting messy.