New Toy!
My iPad 2 finally came in the mail last week! As expected, I love it. In a combination of all things wonderful: here a is snapshot of me playing with it last week, on a warm evening in San Francisco (that never happens), while watching the sunset on the roof with wine, thai food, and good friends :)
It was a completely frivoluous purchase, but I love it! It's perfect for all of the online browsing that i do (If you haven't figured out, thats a lot)
Plus, it makes an awesome reading experience for all of my favorite online magazines.
Have you checked out Lonny, Matchbook, and Rue ?
They are beautiful, fun magazines. And, I love that with the online magazine experience, you can click directly on an object you're interested in and shop for it! No need to tear a page of something you like or, check out the "where to shop" section of the back (remember when you used to have to do that to find a piece you liked? And, then you had to CALL the stores? hah... )