Ok, so I was talking about my skirt crush yesterday but I have an even more extreme crush to share with you today. And it's on a girl: Emerson from EmersonMade. If you're not familiar with her, click around her website and you will instantly see how darling she is. (And, if you are familiar with her, then I'm sure you understand my feelings)
EmersonMade started off by selling these super cute hand-made flower pins and clips.
And, while I cringe at spending that much on jewelry or accessories, her inspiration photos keep me lusting for a serious collection of flowers. I mean, I just want to hang out wearing flowers on her farm with her ducks!

On top of the flowers, EmersonMade launched a clothing collection sometime last year, and honestly, its like she was reading my mind. Every classic piece I either have or am looking for in my closet, she has made.
Exhibit A: perfectly proportioned "Bluebells"and silky polka dot blouse
I literally have literally bought like 4 pairs of jeans over the past couple years in the effort of finding a perfect fit like these. (If only I would have known, I could have saved that cash and bought just one perfect pair!) And that blouse! Polka dots+breezy fit+tie neck = perfect where anywhere top.

And, for spring, the cutest scalloped polka dot skirt. I am a complete sucker for polka dots. Especially multi-colored polka dots.

Plus, these super cute ruffle blouses

The perfect pocket skirt!

I could go on and on, literally listing everything on EmersonMade's website, but I will stop. The one thing I have purchased is this leather and brass belt (Got a great deal with a promotion from LuckyMag.com) Not only do I love it, but it came in the most darling package with my very own pair of little mini flower pins.
EmersonMade: if you're out there, and need a SF based member of your team, I'm on board!