Hi, I'm Meagan. Welcome to Style-Edition!  I am a style enthusiast. I love exploring creativity through decor and fashion and this is where I share my musings, inspiration, and projects.

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hello, hello 2011, you came very quickly.  You crazy years keep sneaking up on me.  I'm not usually one for resolutions (especially public ones), but I'm giving it a try this year.  Perhaps the public acknowledgment will encourage me to keep them.

Here are the goals:

1- Spend more time on my hobbies.  In my 9-5 I do not get much time to spend much time thinking about design, decor or fashion, but I have a ton of fun with style. I hope to spend more time every week focusing on doing something creative  or at least sharing my ideas.

2- Blog. - Here it is, my blog.  Technically I can check this off the list.   I am resolving to  use this forum to stretch my creativity.

3- Eat less fake sugar.  I know, cliche.  (Thanks Gwenyth) I could easily drink 5 diet cokes in a day.  I have a feeling that's not great for me.  I'm not going cold turkey, I just think my body could use a break from those chemicals.



Happy New Year!

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