Hi, I'm Meagan. Welcome to Style-Edition!  I am a style enthusiast. I love exploring creativity through decor and fashion and this is where I share my musings, inspiration, and projects.

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Entries in fashion (26)


Quick Necklace Update

Remember this fun elephant necklace I picked up a few weeks ago? It was love at first sight when I saw it at an antique shop, but when I got it home I realized the length just wasn't quite right for me. So, with a quick trip to the craft store, I was able to update it to better fit into my wardrobe. Below is a visual overview of the quick change.

Believe it or not, I was even able to fit my giant brass elephant into a work ensemble this Monday morning. Here is the full look:

(Vintage necklace worn with a Gap dress, J.Crew Navy Blazer & Banana Republic Heels. Plus, a little Hawaiian tan - I hope it lasts!)


Giving an Old Pair of Shoes New Life with Leather Dye


Did you know that you could dye leather?   Clearly I like the idea of giving apparel a second life with dye, and as I was doing some spring cleaning last week,  I realized I might be able to do something similar with shoes. See, I had this very sad looking pair of yellow boots (yes,  I wore a pair of yellow boots to shreds), but I could never bear to get rid of them.  They were just so comfy and the little heel is the perfect height to wear walking around the city all day.  
Exhibit A:

I'm not even sure the photo does justice to how stained and beaten up they were.    I tried cleaning and polishing, but I just couldn't get them looking presentable.

This is where the dye comes in:  I figured if I couldn't get the stains off,  maybe I could cover them up!  After  a lot of Googling about dying leather, this seemed like a simple project I could tackle myself.  However, they also needed to be re-soled.   I figured I would take them to the cobbler to get them fixed up while I waited for the dye to arrive in the mail.  When I took them in,  I saw a sign that they dye leather.   So,  it was settled,  for just $30,  I basically got a new pair of shoes!

The results:

They're much darker than I had envisioned, because the cobbler said that dark brown or black was all that would cover up the stains.  I think they'll be great to throw on in the winter! Of course, I was so excited about them,  I threw them on today (see below)

Moral of the story is,  if you have something you love,  don't give up on it! I also had two other shoes fixed up at the cobbler(new heels and a new sole).  Clearly,  I can't let go of a good pair of shoes.


Summer Whites

One styling idea that this video didn't cover, was adding more white.  I love the crisp, summery look of an all white ensemble.

Some style photos  I've been drooling over.  Wishing I could wear this much white without a trip to the dry cleaners.

The lipstick is just the perfect bit of color.


This white suit and photograph by Garance Dore blew me away.



Business appropriate?


 White really goes best with a solid (fake?) tan.


Oh yeah,  even the princess does it.


10 Ways to Wear a White Dress (from FabSugar)

I always love style features that provide inspiration for wearing an object a bunch of different ways. Because, lets be honest, it doesn't make sense to buy new dress every time you want to change up your look. Not only does this video from FabSugar give you some fun ideas about how to style a super simple white dress, but I just thought the video was cute.  Plus,  I've always loved a little white dress.


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Blake Lively - Serious Glamour

I adore Blake Lively. She is somehow stunning while also feeling like a real girl.  There was a lot of back-lash online when Karl Lagerfeld announced she would be an ambassador for Chanel, but I think it was perfect.     For those of you who didn't agree, have you seen her most recent Glamour spread?  She looks amazing and is oozing some serious old-school glamour.

All photos from Glamour magazine Facebook page.

PS - While I think the pictures above are amazing,  her cover shot was not. Ugh, I hate when they photoshop so much that people's faces look weird and distorted.

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